SAI Internet Marketing reserves the right of ownership of content and other material published over the website. The information emailed to us by the users strictly will remain in our database, and no piece of information shall be disclosed to any third party under any circumstances. All the featured products and services, and any new listings shall remain shall be notified to your knowledge. Any modifications done to privacy policy shall also be notified via email or you can also read through the modified information under the privacy policy segment.

At SAI Internet Marketing, we follow simple unsubscription procedures, wherein you email your cancellation requests or fill the feedback form provided by us in our website.

The sensitive information disclosed by the users is protected by us. All sensitive information related to credit card data is collected through various trusted sources such as Google Checkout or CCAvenue. We also take the measures for data encryption to protect sensitive and proprietary information. Furthermore, all the offline information is also protected.
Access to proprietary information is advantaged to the employees in case of rescheduling of billing, customer service, etc. The servers/computer systems that stores personal information are protected through hardware firewall, which prevents breach of data.

Contact Form:
The user should complete the registration form by providing details such as name and email address. The information is used by SAI Internet Marketing to contact the user for discussing our products/services listed on the website.

This website has the links which are directed to other websites related to similar trades. However, SAI Internet Marketing, is not responsible for the information, or privacy practices given on the linked websites. Therefore, it is cautioned and advised to read privacy policy statements given on those websites, prior to passing relevant proprietary information.

Change of Privacy policy:
Whenever SAI Internet Marketing make changes on privacy policy, changes will be publish here.

Query or Questions:
Feel free to Contact SAI Internet Marketing, if you have any Query or Questions.